My OneWord2021 is Intention.

So, what do I mean by that? Well, I want to do everything with intention. I want to teach with intention. We have limited time as teachers, especially as Teacher Candidates in our short practicums in Block 2 of the Education Program at UNBC. What we say and do is important and meaningful. I want my words to be chosen with intention. I want my actions in front of my learners to be done with intention.

I intend to reach my learners on a personal level. Learning is a personal endeavour. If one thinks back to a time in K-12 when something truly stood out to them in school, it is usually because it was a personal, meaningful experience. I want to help my learners interact with the subject material in ways that is unique to their interests and their personalities. One of the most profound pieces of writing that I have come across in Block 2 is that (in teaching writing) one must “focus on the writer first and the writing second.” (Routman, 2018, p.230). That quote resonated with me because in learning to do any subject, it is about the person doing the learning, not the subject itself.

The subject matter is, of course, important. We are responsible for teaching the renewed BC Curriculum, and we, as future educators, must acknowledge this responsibility in how we develop our lesson plans. I want to plan my lessons with intention – making sure that I can adequately prepare students for their futures.

Planning for the future takes patience and time, as is required for teaching and learning. I want to spend this year learning with intention. I intend to extend myself and absorb as much information as possible about becoming the best teacher I can be. Every bit of advice, every suggestion, and every lesson plan we learn from is valuable. We are learning so much about teaching, learning, each other, and ourselves.

I have a wonderful community of peers in the Education Program. My peers are supportive, friendly, and committed to the art of teaching. I am fortunate to be learning alongside such bright, enthusiastic individuals. I want to continue to develop these important professional relationships with intention.

So, in short, I intend to develop my skills as a teacher, a learner, and a supportive peer. I want everything I do moving forward this year to be done with intention.


Routman, R. (2018). Literacy essentials: Engagement, excellence, and equity for all learners. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.